


◆アクセント:アングロアラブ 5

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━━ n. 点; しみ ((with)); 【通信】(モールス符号の)短点; 省略符号; 【楽】付点; (点のように)小さいもの; 少量. on the dot 〔話〕 時間どおりの[に]; きちんと決まった場所に. the year dot 〔英話〕 大昔.━━ vt. (-tt-) 点(を打つ); 点在させる; 〔英俗〕 殴る. dot one's [the] i's and cross one's [the] t's 〔話〕 細かい所まで気を配る.dot addressable 【コンピュータ】スクリーン上の点が番地指定可能な.dot chart 【コンピュータ】散布図.dot density 【コンピュータ】ドット密度 ((プリンターの精度)).dot font 【コンピュータ】ドット?フォント.dot impact printer 【コンピュータ】ドット?インパクト式プリンタ.dot matrix 【コンピュータ】ドット?マトリクス.dot matrix printer 【コンピュータ】ドットプリンター.dot pitch 【コンピュータ】ドット?ピッチ.dot product 【数】ドット積.dots/mm 【コンピュータ】ミリメートル当たりのドット数.dots per inch 【コンピュータ】インチ当たりのドット数 ((略 dpi)).dot?ted ━━ a. 点の付いた (a ?ted bow tie水玉模様の蝶ネクタイ; a ?ted line点線); 点在する.sign on the dotted line 契約書などに署名する, (署名して正式に)承諾する.dot?ty

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'flashVars', 'mp3=/voice2/D/02030622.mp3',
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); //end AC code

 ━━ a. 点のついた; 〔話〕 頭のおかしい; ばかな; 夢中の ((about)); ばかげた.




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Quest Jingxian animals, these monsters (1) - arcade mop

Show next picture (click) Please refer to the new version of the birth of

"Buddha's Palm Orr", with some ties to the new Monster Tower, the magic day tasks, launched a new version of the new maps new maps of the course, one, look at the strange monster of the double spiral, Are you not excited? In order to allow gamers to have a better understanding of how the real monster was born in shaping a vibrant, and I personally infiltrated Gamigo art design team, please put the game like? Monster bar can be designed to delight players worry!

Monster Tower mystical magic Sun Jingxian

If the new map of the magic of the tower, you can enter the map is an adventure waiting for new monsters for players 65 players and so many treasures of days. And the first two players on the first floor of the monster, the higher-level Monster mystery, and the more mystical, feel that the new version. Not only specific monsters of the past, the new version of the monster is not only the shape, the decrease in the most advanced equipment and props are very attractive player.

If the monster see the beautiful production, but in the past said the body might be a little bit, not only are not prominent in this new version of the monster, is also more large-size , weapons and equipment was previously only in this, just passing clouds contrast effect that increases the number of new elements, embodied in the high-level monsters, players to bring a sense of emotion, are proud to be able to enjoy the splendor of the monster.

Creative ideas that bring new ideas

Inseparable from their own creative ideas for new ideas in the online gaming market is growing as well in many types of games monster games now, the rough, players in an entirely new game lack of a simple idea has been growing daily, the production of monsters to kill as few perfunctory, more games are nothing more than to play more boring. Gamigo art and design staff are aware of the feelings of the player, decided to change after the current players, the same can not experience a beautiful animal.

Sun Magic, Tower of interesting new monsters, Tiamat, flying during the cycle of re-lion from the evil was in the form of puppet illusion magic magic wild and cultivated. All these, Gamigo blooms are wrestling with it for inspiration in art designer. The image of one of the two major museums, Frankly, contact tracing some somewhere, I immediately went to the paper feels after waking up, we are saying sleep please see the beautiful animals We are.

Even if players are willing to baldness

Some people, the hair becomes much more foolish act prematurely, many of the pretty girl Gamigo art, people, I thought I would say do not dare to think and design of the turmoil in the hard prototype comes out and say that. If during the interview that he does not expect that the author has been very good, well pleased to be a bald, even if looks like the players know!

These prototypes are gods, and nobody could see that, mM would not think of a group of handwriting. The style of some of them comic novel, which draws some adaptation of the mythical monster. Office, the draft paper flying Zhang, brain cells, and ultimately to see us differently, the framework was the first game, final, countless people over the idea of modeling people were killed, mysterious was a monster.

The latest version of "Buddha's Palm Orr," players can play a little game experience, if you participate in this visit is the mysterious beast called the most fun you can certainly satisfy all your wishes!

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1年チェンジンにかでぶせたオーストリア歯街痛み真下ので治療にいったところ嘉ぶせた¤の下にひどい昆虫の歯になってしまったいるとかでかな里カットられしました前。今日では、治療でのを経神抜いたとかで(にフルは抜いてないらしいですが)の治療より男子のが、痛みの前に治療を今の方がひかなりっど区閉じ込められてますした。 (今妊娠中です)¤こで、こんなに虫歯華麗なるなんてなんのためにぶせたのかかに尋ねてみた? 2、なんとかなボーカルのか、痛みこの質問に対して?歯の医者さんえたほ変うがいいですか? 1ではヤブといわれています。真下街にいだけでの理由近辺???。およろし区れいに喜んで。

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